Bored Parrot

Parrot Boredom Breakers

Make sure that your pet is happy with parrot boredom breakers.  Caged parrots get bored sitting in the cage all day.  With these helpful tips, you can offer your parrot the enrichment it needs to make the most of each day.

Birdy boredom is a hot topic because bored birds develop parrot problems. Remember that a parrot is as smart as a 5 year old but has the emotional development of a toddler. This spells trouble when a bird feels that its needs are not getting met. Bear in mind that a parrot is extremely smart and social so they need constant mental and physical stimulation and they have to feel good to prevent birdy temper tantrums.

What Are The Best Birdy Boredom Busters You Can Provide Your Parrot?

Your energetic parrot doesn't settle down just because you have to work all day. In fact, birds are most active during daylight hours. This is when wild birds fly for miles, finding foraging sites and figuring out how to get nutritional food and tasty treats. Keep this in mind as you plan out your parrot’s day care. Consider getting your bird the following parrot boredom breakers to stimulate exercise, foraging and healthy eating behaviors.


1) Chewable Bird Toys

These are toys that have fun parts to chew and destroy. Believe, or not, having these toys will increase your parrot’s sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. These toys will encourage your parrot to be a parrot! Parrots chew, destroy, shred, rip, and crack open nuts all day long. They especially love items that require them to chew to find a hidden treat. The harder the puzzle, the better – for smart and avid chewers. Bear in mind that a parrot loves attention and they love it when you come and clean up after they have destroyed one of their toys. Some examples of this type of toys are the Pine Cone Toys Bird Toys at This toy composes of pine, soft and hard woods, and a bird safe pine cone with hundreds of crunch petals that hide pine nuts. You can even stuff goodies, chewables and treats in between the pine cone petals to give that beak a work out.


2) A Safe and Spacious Cage

Your pet bird doesn't have access to a rainforest to exercise in, so it needs a large cage with safe bar spacing. This is where your parrot will play and spend of his active time, so they need more than just a space. Create a couple of play areas and a rest area for your bird. Rotate toys frequently and keep the cage clean. All that poop and food create a lot of bacteria. Depending on the type of bird you have, make sure that the width is a minimum of twice the birds wing span. Hang toys from the top but place cage-mount foraging toys lower to promote climbing. Just make sure that they are not under a perch!


3) Gym Style Toys

Gym style toys are toys that allow your parrot to use their physical strength and capabilities. Two examples of these toys are swings and bungees. Birdy Bungees are spring style ropes that birds love to climb and bounce on. A parrot loves to swing back and forth and get frisky and wild. Tie natural fiber toys on the bungee with special treats hidden inside. While ladder toys allow your parrot to ascend and descend the steps working out its feet. These toys are perfect birdy boredom busters because these toys help to promote the skills and coordination of your parrot and preventing feet deterioration and weakening at the same time. Some parts of these toys are chewable too, so your parrot will have the great time its own playing great exercises and games.


4) Out Of Cage Social Time

Social parrots love interaction outside of the cage. Whether it is on a bird stand or on a Bird Leash, get your bird out as much as possible. Having a designated playing area will keep your bird engage is safe activities and focus their attention on other toys that they are already familiar with. This will lessen that chances that your bird will damage or chew on furniture and unsafe household items. You can hang brightly colored toys and bells, perches, puzzles, and many more on bird stand toy hooks. Not sure how to get your bird outside safely? Well, the Aviator Bird Harness comes with a 40 minute instructional DVD.



5) Foraging Bird Toys

These are the latest rave in parrot toys. Why? Because these scientifically researched style of toys satisfies a birds natural instincts to search, explore and problem-solve. These toys force your bird to think where and how to get their foods. Parrots are grazers vs. pets that gobble up an entire meal at once. Foraging toys provide the mental stimulation that a smart animal needs to find nutritional tidbits. Often made up of indestructible plastic materials, which make them tough, sturdy, and can last a long time these puzzles come in a variety of styles and difficulties from beginner to advanced forager. Your bird can destroy, peck, and tear some foraging toys because they know that these toys have hidden treats and surprises. Most of the time, your bird can get too intelligent and able to figure out the tricks and techniques in playing foraging toys. One example of foraging toys is the Caitec Party Ball 5 inches. Smaller birds may appreciate Waffle Ball Stuffers. These toys are perfect in keeping your bird focus, engage, and interested, but be sure to check these toys first just to be on the safe side. Place these toys in different positions, places, and arrangements, so your bird has to think and search.

There, you have it! You can help your parrot develop its natural instincts and curiosity needs just by introducing them to new things or toys while you're at work. These birdy boredom busters not only help them to develop such characteristics, but also these toys can keep your parrot engaged mentally, physically, and emotionally.